Update June 2024

So, it’s been a little over 6 months since I moved into the new place and a couple of things have changed since then. I am now completely in-house for the production of prints and some small products thanks to having a printer and Cricut. Also, about a month ago, I quit my job for a couple reasons. Mainly due to some health issues that were a result of stress. I’ve been staying home since then, getting some much-needed rest, catching up on a ton of unfinished paintings and in general living quietly. I have a couple of local events coming up that I’m both excited for and terrified of.

It’s funny, I started this post expecting to go on a rant about what the stress was doing to my body or to wax poetic about the various projects I’m working on or even to go on and on about the events I’m going to attend but I find myself short on words.

Thank you for taking the time to read this and if you would like to support my recovery, please head on over the shop and buy something.

Life Update

In less than a week I will be moving to a new home. I’m hoping that a new environment will help me focus better on keeping my website and other things up to date. Fresh start and all that jazz.

I have some things that need to be updated on here, plenty of new paintings to add to the gallery. There is also a plan to add new prints to the store. I’ve started making 8″x10″ prints in-house so that I can have better control of the quality of the print. This also gives me the opportunity to start offering special edition prints so I’m very excited about that. Additionally, I’ve been looking into making stickers at home as well since this will enable me to keep the cost and price down.

As crazy as it may sounds, one of the things I’m most excited about in my new home will be the wall color. Currently my walls are beige and that has been having an effect on taking photos of the artwork. It’s also a very depressing color, I’ve concluded. The new walls will be a nice neutral white, which helps light reflect better and without the color shift in photos.

Another thing I am looking forward to is the dining area, which has traditionally been my studio space, is it’s own space rather than an extension of the living area and is a bit larger as well. Not quite to the point of it being it’s own room but getting closer.

All in all I am really looking forward to this new chapter of my life. After 7 years where I’m currently at, it was most certainly time.

Well, that’s all I’ve got to say now…. bye!

Store changes

So, my print on demand service recently made some changes that make it difficult to add new items. Because of this I will be switching services which means that current items will be removed. Hopefully the switch will not take too long but this change should be for the best. Thank you, always, for your support.

Major Update Time!!

Good news, everyone! I was recently able to acquire a real camera and have been spending the last 2 weeks processing photos of almost all of the paintings. They are now available in the portfolio gallery and will soon be available in the store on various items for purchase.

Random Update Time

Hello my friends! I am, of course, still here. I’ve just been quietly working on other things, again. As you might have noticed, not much has really changed on the main gallery site, most changes have taken place on the storefront. I will be adding more of my newer paintings up on here and there soon, just trying to find the best work-around for not having a real camera. It’s not easy, lol!

There has also been a lot of painting like… a lot! I think there are currently 4 paintings in the works that are just about done. Of course, I have tried to work on just one painting until completion, but it never works for me! When it’s just the one painting, there is a burst of creative energy that runs out quickly and then I have to force myself to slog through to the end. If I have more than one, I can set it aside when I start to feel the drag and come back to it refreshed later on. This method, of course, has its own issues. Sometimes I find myself sitting there thinking “I don’t know which one I want to work on today….”

But enough ranting. The point is, I’m still here, still painting, and I have not forgotten about the main gallery… much.

Caution: Wet Paint

Just wanted to put a quick little blurb up about a couple of things! 1: The grand opening sale for my art store will be expiring at the end of the year so be sure to take advantage of the 15% discount while you still can! 2: The storefront itself has changed a bit to allow for better usability (hopefully). 3: I’m still painting, I just haven’t been at a point on my current painting where I wanted to share BUT you will be seeing it soon.

Be sure to follow me on Instagram where you can see works in progress and in-studio pictures. You can also support me on Patreon to help fund my oil paint addiction. All of my members on Patreon get a monthly discount for my store.

Studio Update

As I’ve been working to update the portfolio on here, I realized that there is a good number of paintings I don’t considered finished. Either I thought of them as finished and then reconsidered or I set them aside to come back to and never did. So, over the next couple of weeks, I plan to reduce that number down to nothing before I start anything new. After doing a quick count, there are about 27 paintings to work on so needless to say I’ve got alot of work ahead of me. Since I’ll be going from oldest to newest that does mean any current personal projects will be put on hold however I am still offering commissions and those will come first.

Commissions officially open!

That’s right, I am now officially for hire. Please keep reading for important information!!

I’m only going to work on 2 paintings at a time to start and will not be accepting all commission requests. I will NOT be accepting requests of a lewd nature. You are able to submit your request via the contact form on the Hire page, please be as detailed as possible and include any non-copyrighted reference images that you have.

Once we have nailed down the details and decided on a payment method, you will receive an invoice for half of the total cost. This upfront payment MUST be made before my brushes get wet, if you need to make payments in installments your spot will be reserved until that first 50% total has been paid and work will commence. This is non-refundable once painting has started.

After the painting is completed the other 50% will be due via invoicing (again, installment payments are an option) before the item is shipped. I will not ship until 100% of the agreed upon total is received.

While I love to paint and enjoy doing so for other people, I do not work for free. If you are asking me to paint something for you please understand that supplies cost money and my time is valuable, so no free paintings are available at any time. Do not ask.

New Store Page

I’m happy to announce that one of the side effects of the hosting upgrade was the ability to add a store page right here on my site. Still in the process of fiddling but it works without having to send out to another site, which is awesome. Check it out and buy a post card, really helps me out if ya do!